Thursday, March 31, 2016

Easter in Rome

So it is the last day of March, which is unbelievable. This past weekend I went to Rome for Easter with Reagan, Gunnar, and Jake. It was a surprisingly relaxed weekend, considering all Rome has to offer. We saw the important sites, the Colosseum, the Palatino, and the Vatican, but we also had some really nice down time to recover from all the traveling over spring break. We took a secret tour, and the things we saw will remain secret, but it ended in a restaurant run by an old Italian woman where you sit down and you are served 3 or 4 courses of whatever she cooked that day. In total I think we ate gelato 6 times over the course of a few days. Easter Sunday was much different than my usual Easter. We woke up late, ate lunch, and went to a beautiful park for the entire afternoon. We switched back and forth between reading and playing frisbee. It was super peaceful. We went to Hard Rock Cafe for dinner that night, which was actually really nice because it is a similar restaurant to places we go in Texas and it felt more like home.

I woke up this morning and my host mom told me that there is a terror threat on the Köln/Bonn Flughafen, which is nerve racking because that is extremely close to home, only 20-30 minutes away. The semester is moving quickly though, we will be home soon and I am praying that nothing happens. In the meantime we will all just be cautious. I have two tests next week so I need to work hard and that will keep my mind busy.

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