Thursday, March 31, 2016

Spring Break in Italy

Spring Break 2016 was definitely one for the books! After being in Europe for 3 months, I was finally reunited with my parents for just a week, but it was a week well spent! Saturday morning bright and early, I traveled to Frankfurt to meet up with my parents at the airport. I was also with Shelby and her family. We all spent the week together traveling Italy. When I saw my mom and dad Saturday morning, I was so excited. I don't think I have ever needed to see my parents faces this much in my life. I was so excited.

We had to catch our plane to Venice around 10 am that morning. After making it through yet another pat down in airport security, we boarded the plane and took off. When we arrived in Venice, we caught our boat taxi that would take us directly to our hotels. The water in Venice was absolutely breathtaking. Yes, we learned later on that there is a smell that lingers throughout the canals from the sewage from the houses, but it was definitely bearable. Sunday we took a tour around Venice and learned about some of its history and the stories behind statues, buildings, and towers. That afternoon, we did a little shopping for souvenirs and just little things. My mom surprised me with the purchase of my graduation present! The only catch is that I can't have it until December after graduation, but that is completely okay! We ate lunch at the Florian Cafe, the oldest cafe in Venice, in the market area. It was absolutely delicious and definitely worth the price that we paid.

Monday morning we woke up to catch our train to Florence. Riding first class for the first time in my life was definitely amazing, even though it was only on a train. When we arrived in Florence, we met up with our drivers that would take us to our hotel. We stayed at the Brunelleschi hotel right in the city center. That day was spent just wandering and looking around. We went to check out the market, and also do some more shopping. We took our walking tour of the city the next day, and after that I got to meet up with my roommate that is studying abroad in Florence. We had lunch, and she also showed me where you can get the best gelato in Florence. Gelato is definitely one of my new loves after living in Italy for a week.

Wednesday morning we woke up early to catch our next train that would take us to Rome. Rome was definitely so beautiful. It was however, very crowded. I'm not one to enjoy huge crowds, and it seems like anywhere you went in Rome, that's where you were going to end up. In Rome we visited the Trevi Fountain, the Vatican, Spanish steps, and the Colosseum. The places in Rome were absolutely breathtaking. It definitely had my favorite buildings and places to see out of all three cities.

Spring Break was the absolute best that it has ever been this year. I got to spend it with a new friend, Shelby and her family, but also with my own parents. I probably won't get the chance to go back, so I'm glad that my parents allowed me to go and experience it while I'm young. I don't know how I'll top it next year.

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