Thursday, March 31, 2016

A Weekend in Lyon, France

By Far the Most Interesting Trip
      This past weekend, Kendal and I went to Lyon, France to celebrate Easter... And let me tell you... It was an interesting trip. It seemed like everything that could go wrong, did, but we still had a ton of fun! I'll start with what went wrong and then move on to the great things. So to start out the trip, our flight was late and we were on this tiny plane that scared the fire out of me. It was so small that the overhead compartments wouldn't fit the normal carryon sized luggage and we had to load it underneath the plane.. It was very odd. Once we got to Lyon, we found our hotel and walked around for a while looking for food. Well, it was Good Friday and most places were not open, so we decided to go to the hotel restaurant. This was a very poor choice on our behalf. Kendal was served raw steak and I was served pigeon. NOTE TO SELF: DO NOT ORDER MEDIUM BEEF IN FRANCE. Their medium is not our medium. It is RARE. We learned this again later when we ordered medium well hamburgers and received raw hamburgers. We were burned twice... The next day, we took a trip to Annecy and it was so beautiful... But we read our tickets wrong and ended up getting stuck there for the night and had to pay a pretty penny for a second hotel room. Once we got back to Lyon, we needed to study for our quiz on the Tuesday after we get back, so we stayed in bed most of the day on Sunday eating pizza and studying. Once we went out for dinner, we got the raw hamburgers and had to walk home through the sketchy part of the town in the dark. Our final day in Lyon was pretty great until we got to the airport. We were having dinner and I left Kendal to walk 25 feet to buy us some chips. In the 5 minutes it took me to buy the chips, we got separated by a police barricade because there was a suspicious bag left alone.. Needless to say, it was a crazy trip, but it was still so beautiful. Annecy was probably the most beautiful place I have been this whole trip. It is on the boarder of Switzerland and France so you can see the Alps. We got to paddle boat around this awesome freshwater lake by the mountains that was so clear and absolutely beautiful. In Lyon, we just walked around the city and saw everything we could. On the last day we went up to the Basilica of Notre Dame and got the most perfect view of the city. We saw the roman amphitheater and the cathedral and just took in the city as a whole. Over all, I am glad we chose to go to Lyon and that we were able to have a girls weekend. It was nice to relax and spend time with Kendal. I think it was a pretty good weekend. Now we have two weeks of studying... I think I may die trying to learn five chapters of phys... I guess we will see how that test goes.. Until next time, blog. 

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