Wednesday, March 30, 2016

March 6-12

So, I'm a tad bit behind on all of my blog posts {3 to be exact}. The week of March 6-12 was the last week before spring break started. It was filled with lots of studying, and catching up on things that were due before everyone left for the break. Everyone was talking about the places that they were going to visit, including Italy, Spain, Ireland, and other parts of the UK.

This was also the week that we had our German finals. Everyone was somewhat stressing over it because of the fact that we still struggle with communicating in Germany from day to day. We continued to ask multiple questions about the test, and what would be on it. When the test day came you walked into the AIB where people were continuously quizzing each other on the different terms, spellings, and pronunciations. When test time came, we entered the classroom and sat to listen to the instructions. The teacher continuously told us not to stress on spelling, because as long as she knew what we were talking about it was going to be counted correct. I'm definitely not a professional at the german language, but I feel like the test went very well.

We also had our midterm meetings with Enmodes this week. Everyone wanted to look good for Ralph and his colleague. Presentations were being put together in hastily manners. Doubts about each device were running wild through everyone's minds, but we were {pretty much} ready for the meeting. During the meeting everyone sat in silence while the other groups made their presentations. This was really the first time that everyone got to see everyone else's projects and ideas toward the device. Some students, like myself, sat in the corner somewhat confused while their group presented their project. I think I'm still somewhat "lost" on the whole biomaterials aspect of it all.

Everyone said their goodbyes on our last day together for the next week. Friday was a very short day for everyone, but lots of getting ahead and catching up were also done. The next week would be so much fun for each and every person in our group as they traveled to do their own thing. Everyone was definitely ready to hear all the stories when they returned.

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