Friday, March 7, 2014

What Do Ya Think About That

The Monday after Vienna we went to the Uniklinik in Bonn. It is a huge complex with a large hospital. We went into the ORs and saw surgeries. I saw a tumor removal and a hip replacement. They were both ok, since the goal of surgery us usually not to crack people open, it is hard to see everything that is going on without getting in the doctor's way (which the nurses constantly reminded you of). The next day we went to the History of Anesthesia museum. It was interesting to see many of the same drugs and devices I have used on animals in a human museum. The rest of the week, and the following two, were taken up by class and exams.

The week after the Uniklinik visit, was Karneval. It was very interesting. We went with AIB to a parade on Thursday, and it was slower paced than what I expected. Then we had the whole weekend off, so some of us rented a car and drove to Stuttgart, Munich, then back up to Miltenburg. It was an amazing weekend! Also, MUCH cheaper than booking any kind of train or plane. Bavaria was a lot of fun, and it was nice to actually be able to see the area we were going through.
The following monday I was in Cologne for Rose Monday, it was... ... a lot to handle. Let's just say we came back to Bonn pretty quick. haha.

Now, after a couple days of catching up with classes, it is Spring Break finally! I leave tomorrow for La Ciudad Condal (Barcelona). It is going to be awesome!!

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