Wednesday, March 5, 2014


This week was Karnival!!! Every German's favorite time of the year is the season of Karnival!!! I was definitely not prepared for the amount of fun to be had this week. There is absolutely nothing comparable to it in America. The only way that I can describe it is a combination of Halloween, the 4th of July, new years and a big party!!! From parades to costumes and beer. We ran around Bonn in crazy costumes, watching huge parades, drinking beer, dancing with random people in the streets while they threw candy at us. Basically Karnival is the biggest party in Germany. It was tons of fun but completely exhausting!!! So I was glad after Rossen Montag when I got to finally sleep in and not worry about missing a parade.
On the days when we took a break from the fun, I got to cook new recipes for my host family including a yummy chicken veggie pasta, biscuits and most importantly the introduction to nachos!!! I have been missing Tex-Mex food so so much and started just eating the jalapenos out of the jar.... and they were sooooo good!!! Also yesterday we decided it was time to go find a good burger, so a late night trip to get some delicious food was the perfect solution. Ohhh man it was a good burger too!!! So basically I ate a lot this weekend and had fun at Karnival and the parades!! That about sums up my week and now I am looking forward to spring break when my family will come to Germany and we travel down to Munich.
There really wasn't much that we did with AIB this week due to everyone partying at Karnival. The End :)

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