Thursday, April 30, 2020

Week 14 in Shelter in Place

Hallo from College Station!
I'm still in College Station, waiting for life to return to normal. Governor Abbot just announced that the shelter in place will expiring on Friday, allowing for restaurants to open at 25% occupancy, as well as some other establishments. Bars and major attractions are still not allowed to open, but it is a positive sign towards returning to normal. There's a lot of debate on whether or not it is acceptable to open, but I think despite this, it is a reasonable plan. He said that there will be increased testing after Friday, and if there is remotely a spike in cases, we will go back into shelter in place. I'm sure it will spike again, whether we open up now or in a month. I just cannot wait for life to get back to normal, as much as it can. The Texas A&M Chancellor just announced today that he plans on classes going back to normal and is hoping football can happen. Thank god! I miss my Texas A&M Football! This week is finals, but since I only have Physiology and History of Medicine I am not that worried. The weather has been gorgeous so I have been spending a lot of time outside. I've been bad about working out due to being around friends, so hopefully I'll get back to it after finals. Till next time!
Bis Bald!

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