Enmodes presentation week!
I went back to Dallas this week because I wanted to and I needed nicer clothes to wear for the presentation, and it was nice to be alone for a bit. I spent most of my time working on the DHF and slides, but it was fun to work with the team and honestly not as difficult as I think Dr. Wasser built it up to be. I've never been in a group that worked together so well, and it was cool to experience everyone pulling their own weight, especially in a group of 8. I think our presentation went super well, and I'm so grateful to everyone on my team (Enrique, Cody, Katrina, Bri, Michael, Kaitlyn, and Olivia) for working so hard to pull everything together, and I was really proud of the fact that the Enmodes guys barely had any questions for us and seemed to really like our gimbal idea. Shoutout to my YouTube addiction and the Jenna & Julien Podcast for making me aware of the existence of gimbals so I could contribute the idea that we ultimately used! It's a little sad because it feels like the whole Germany program is coming to an end with this project, and even though we've been at home for weeks, I don't want it to be over. I got to go back to the barn after the presentation was over, and it's always nice to see Carlie, Allison, Natalie, and Snickerdoodle, although I still wish the circumstances were different. I also got Sherman's tail from Allison, which she cut off and kept for me when he passed away in late July. That was hard, so it's been a pretty emotional weekend. I'm grateful that everyone in my life is still healthy and that the pandemic hasn't had the chance to affect my life beyond sending me home.
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