Thursday, March 28, 2013

London and Les Mis!

"Master of the House" from Les Mis at Queens Theatre

So this year instead of going to a warm beach with sand and sun I got the chance to go to London and Scotland! It was incredible and exciting and so nice to be in countries that spoke English! I also got to spend the break with Max and his brother and sister, Zach and Ashton which was really fun! This blog's just gonna talk about London for now though. Forewarning: The pictures in the blog probably won't be the best  cause the wind in England the entire time we were there seemed to be blowing about 100 miles an hour.

Day 1: Spring break started off a little dicey after Zach and Ashton's flight delayed a day because of snow but it was still a fun day!

Borough Market for Raspberries and a sandwich: I hit jackpot at the market. I'm not sure if you know this but raspberries are pretty much my favourite thing in the whole world and while we were at the market there was a vendor selling raspberries for something like a pound for a huge container of them! 30 minutes later plus 1 container gone equalled one very happy me :)

Trafalgar Square: The classic plaza with all the lions? yeah that's this one. The cool thing is that they don't get mad at you for climbing on the statues!

Camden Town: This place was probably the most eclectic out of all the places we went to but it was tons of fun to people watch! Full of tattoo parlours and emo/goth stuff, you can bet there were a lot of character out and about. Also if you get the chance look up Cyber dog. It's a store there and hands down it was top 5 weirdest stores I've ever been in. There are no words, you'll just have to look it up!

Covent Gardens: This area was really nice

Bens cookies: A shout out to them for having the most delicious peanut butter cookies EVER!


Buckingham Palace: Size wise it's a little bit anticlimactic from what you expect but still gorgeous!

Westminister Abbey: definitely pretty, but I'm still a little cathedraled out

London tower Bridge: This is the one that the hung the Olympic rings off of!
Trafalger Square again:
Pies for Lunch: And by pies, I mean meat pies. With a side of creamed peas and potatoes it was a English classic! 

Covent Gardens Again

Rugby Game at a pub: I've decided this is a must do if you're in London. I never realized how big Rugby is over there. The pub was crammed full of fans!

Day 3: 

Tower of London Tour: One of the top things of London. The museum was cool and interactive, we go to see the ravens and beef eaters, AND we got a glimpse at the crown jewels. All around a great experience!
Hyde Park: okay seriously, it sounds crazy but this one probably my favourite in London. A picture says a thousand words: 
Yes, that is a squirrel crawling up my leg! :)

Les Mis!: Probably what I was looking forward to the most before coming to London and it wasn't a let down at all! The play was great and the actor and their voices were top notch. Plus its always cool to get to see a play in its original theatre!

And we finished with some late night pizza from Pizza Express!

Day 4:

Bath: Ruins of ancient Roman baths. These are the only hot springs in England, Unforutately you're not allowed to go in them anymore...

Stonehenge: This was awesome! It's probably wouldn't have been quite as cool if it weren't for the fact that it's surrounded by nothing. you drive and drive and all you see is farmland and plains and then all of a sudden out of nowhere pops Stonehenge! Magnificent!

Windsor Castle: This is where the queen spends most of her time. The grounds were super pretty and after a tour of the inside I'd say the castle was too! Each room was over the top fancy beyond anything I've ever seen!

The next morning we set off for Scotland AKA my all time favourite country so far during this trip! But that's for another time. For now let's just say I WILL be going back someday, no excuses.  I know I've built it up a lot but not without reason, just trust me!:)

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