Monday, February 29, 2016

The City of Wine

It's a bit late, but this is my post about Vienna.

Vienna was the first long trip everyone on the trip took together guided by the faculty. These types of trips always have the potential of being either rather boring because of strictures of the faculty or ending in some type of trouble because letting 20+ college aged kids free in a foreign city is a recipe for something wrong to happen. Fortunately, neither of these were the case.

The faculty treated us with respect and were not excessively strict in order to prevent us doing stupid things in the city. Rather, they left us quite free to do what we wanted. In this way, I think it left us more disposed to act respectfully in return by behaving ourselves (to a reasonable degree considering our age and how old we are). Overall I think the trip went very smoothly and I really enjoyed all of it. Nevertheless, the trip had a little bit of a bumpy start.

From the get-go, we had difficulty with our plane. It was delayed several hours because of maintenance issues, but we kept up a good mood by talking and playing some leap-frog in the airport, normal behavior. Eventually we got on the plane and took off to Austria and everything was good from here.

In Vienna we went to the catacombs, the Spanish Horse Riding School, Sigmund Freud's house and practice, an Orchestra, the Josephina anatomical wax museum, the Narrenturm (first psychiatric hospital), took a medical walking tour through the city, and went ice skating in the best darn ice skating venue I have ever been to. As weird as it may be, the ice skating was probably one of the highlights of my trip. I really enjoy going ice skating, and this place was just awesome!

Well, there you have it. That was my experience of Vienna and it was a good one.

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