Saturday, February 27, 2016

[Recap] The ball gets rolling

The second week was very nice and smooth, with only a few minor mishaps.

Our first week of real class was fairly gentle. Introductory stuff, reading over the syllabus, basic background information, the works. Pretty standard stuff, really. After having to adjust to so many things being different, it was strangely comforting to just sit down and go to class like normal again.

Of course, I managed to be a few minutes late on the first day of class due to the awkward timing of the bus schedule. My neighborhood is fairly far from the AIB building in Bonn's city center, and I'd managed to underestimate just how long it would take to  get back into town in time for class. I'd eventually settle for just leaving sooner than I thought I needed to, but I was lucky that first day because almost no one was on time. It all worked out for the best.

On Tuesday we went to the modern German History Museum. While there we got a solid crash course in what happened in Germany post-1945 all the way up through the present day. Some of the highlights included getting to see some of the more unconventional car designs created to deal with material shortages and some of Kennedy's personal note cards form his historic 'Ich bin ein Berliner' speech.

On Friday we visited Aachen. While there we took a tour of the Aachener Dom, then loaded up and headed over to something really important: our project. Throughout this semester we were going to be working on something of a capstone project designing a medical device while cooperating with an actual biomedical company. Today was the day we met with ENMODES and learned about that project. I'm a little intimidated by the whole thing, but the idea of working on a real-world problem does still have me pretty fired up, even now six weeks later. It's really cool stuff.

Cranky's Christmas Mojo, Peach

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