Monday, February 15, 2016

My 3rd... 4th post?

Wow, so I’ve definitely been lacking in the blog-posting department. School has gotten quite busier since I last wrote. Just today we had a 211 exam and we have a physiology exam next week. Since my last post, a lot has happened actually. I sprained my ankle, had a birthday, and experienced Karneval. The farthest I traveled within this time span was to Dusseldorf, which isn’t too far away. 

So first, you’re probably wondering how I sprained my ankle, and I could tell you that I fought off a bear or that Karneval was more intense than you might think. But no, I am ashamed to tell you that I sprained my ankle while I was walking. I did not trip on anything nor was there an uneven stone in the sidewalk, no, I just put one foot in front of the other and boom, it happened. Because I was so close to the AIB Helen, Hilde’s daughter, was able to take me and Lauren to the hospital where I got to experience the German health care system firsthand. We just happened to finish learning about the Bismark plan today in class and I can confirm that you don’t pay anything at the doctor’s office like Dr. Wasser taught us. Don’t worry, the German government doesn’t just pay for my medical bill, it just means that the billing is completely separate from the doctor’s office itself, so I will be getting a bill. 

Let’s see, then I had my 21st birthday on the 5th. Although it’s a significant birthday in the states, that isn’t so here. I was able to celebrate by having lunch and going out with friends later that night. What was cool about my birthday weekend is that two other classmates had birthdays as well, Reagan and Shawn. It’s strange, it didn’t even feel like my birthday. A friend told me that that’s because I was far away from home and I definitely agree. But, even though I was away from family and friends, I was still able to celebrate with new friends.

Tomorrow, early early in the morning we will be going to Vienna! I’m excited for the experiences to come, the Freud museum, a concert, and the Narrenturm. I’m looking forward to reflecting on it all. 


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