Monday, April 7, 2014

I've Been Remiss

So.  Blogs are a thing that were supposed to be happening for... the whole semester.  I've been remiss.  Not quite as remiss as my post count might indicate, but done a pretty poor job nonetheless.  My slightly not-as-bad-as-it-seems excuse is that over spring break I actually put a good deal of time into a blog post which was supposed to kick start me into the blogging mood.  This post was going back to the first day, and explained about arriving and meeting my (then) host family.  It detailed how much I liked them and how glad I was to feel at home for the semester, how much fun I'd had with the kids, etcetera, etcetera.  Naturally, as soon as I got home from spring break my desire to post this particular blog was curtailed rather dramatically.  Nonetheless, I don't intend to let this blog languish without my scintillating commentary (heavy sarcasm.)

Anyway, here's the plan, a reminder more for myself than anyone else.  I will backlog all the blogs I was supposed to have done.  I might not go into many details of host-family living before spring break because while I actually had quite I good time, analyzing my place there isn't really great for my mental health, I think.  I am going to start in the present and work my way backwards, doing at least two blogs per day I blog (might not be every day, but will be more than twice a week.)  I will, from this point on, keep up to date on all future blog posts.  I will set the date for backlogged dates to around the time the events occurred, purely for organizational purposes.  Back during spring break when the twins were inspiring me with the absolutely ridiculous work ethic (seriously guys, how do you do it?) I made up somewhat of a table of contents which I will still use as a bit of a guide, so hopefully I seem like I'm writing with some degree of direction.

Well, that about wraps up my bloggy introduction.  Onward with the actual content!

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