Monday, April 7, 2014

30 Days.

We only have thirty days left in Bonn. And I am so happy about this fact it is honestly incredible that I don't spontaneously either transport myself back to Texas and the USA or combust into a million pieces. This past week we spent in Berlin, or more accurately, we worked on our Otto Bock project while in Berlin.
The one thing I really enjoyed this past week was going to Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, but I'm not sure "enjoyed" is the correct word. It was a good experience to see the space that such atrocities occurred, but it was also very disheartening to see the depths of human cruelty. I was also appalled at some of my classmates reactions to being in such a place. The day was really chilly and since it has recently been warmer, it was a change from the weather we are becoming use to. The complaints I heard about being cold, hungry, bored, really grated at my nerves and kind of ruined the experience for me. I would advise going by yourself in the future if you are like me and deeply feel your surroundings. I couldn't imagine complaining about being cold ( I was cold, just for clarity) when all I had to do was turn and see a wall and barracks where people were held and forced to work on 300 calories a day. I just don't understand. What has happened in this world that people are unable to think about anyone but themselves. It really makes me wonder what the world is going to be like in a few years when everyone only cares about themselves. I do not expect everyone to feel things the same way or react in the same way to their feelings, but being respectful and considerate are universally acknowledged as being acceptable ways to react in difficult places. I felt that many people in our group need to consider these ideas and learn to think of others, in addition to themselves.

On a school note, I am literally so fed up with all of these classes that it just isn't even funny. I came on this trip mainly because I wanted to have a more personalized experience and actually learn. I have had neither of these things occur. This may seem harsh, but I want others to know what it has really been like for me on this trip. If you are considering this trip you should know that you are basically alone here, with very few resources outside of each other for assistance.So if you are good and can thrive in that environment, I say go ahead, the scenery is better than College Station, but if you need help, you should stay in Texas and be able to actually get the help you need. The money and loans I have spent to come here are absolutely not worth it and I am actually looking forward to going home. Before I came, I thought I would be excited to stay and sad to leave. I am counting the days until I go home. I cannot wait to land in Dallas and go back to San Antonio.

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