Saturday, January 11, 2014

Bonn, Germany

Howdy, I am  Austin Talavera, but go by Zach. I am a senior biology student at Texas A&M university. I am originally from the small town of Taylor, just north east of Austin,  and have never left the country besides border towns in Mexico. This will be my first for a lot of things, such as my first international flight, first time flying or traveling alone, and first blog.

When I first applied for this program I was super excited and couldn't wait. However, as the trip got closer and closer I began to get nervous and second guess my decision. It dawned on me that I would be gone a solid four months and be away from everything familiar.  Packing was a nightmare as well. I've never had to think so much or plan so much to pack for a trip. I kept thinking what if I need this or this, but what if I pack too much, what if I'm over the weight limit. After sometime and many times weighing my bag I think I got it down.

I am very nervous now yet super excited about meeting my family and the start of the program. I look forward to the new adventures to come. I know that without my family and friends that have supported me I wouldn't have built the courage to attempt this program and though I will miss them and look forward to seeing them again, I can't wait to leave them, for a short time, and expand my horizons.

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