Friday, January 10, 2014

Auf Wiedersehen, Austin!

Howdy! My name is Nicole Norwood and I'm a sophomore biomedical engineering major at Texas A&M University. For anyone who wants to know what it feels like before a trip like this, here are my true thoughts. I'm not a natural blogger (hence the science major), so bear with me.

At first, I was thrilled to apply for this program. It matched my major so perfectly and would take me to a part of the world that is both culturally stimulating and scientifically progressive. Later, I got used to the idea that I'd be spending a semester in a foreign country and didn't think much more of it as my busy fall semester progressed.

The closer I have gotten to the date of departure, the more nervous I've felt. The idea of going was one thing, but now I'm actually going to be doing it. Now it's the night before and though I hate to admit it, part of me just doesn't want to go at all. I'm sure I'll look back at this and laugh, but I feel overwhelmed right now.

The packing has been stressful and exhausting. I'm a big believer in packing light, and it's been an endeavor to consolidate everything into one suitcase. I have that nagging feeling that I've forgotten something, but I'll just have to trust that it will work out. Fortunately, Germany is just as civilized as the United States, if not more so, so there's no reason I wouldn't be able to get anything there, but I want to avoid spending more than I have to. Additionally, I don't want to leave my family and my dog at home, and I haven't gotten much of a chance to say goodbye properly. I'm eager to meet my host family, who I know will make the experience much smoother and more fun than it would be otherwise.

I am excited about several aspects of the semester. I'll be taking fewer hours than I did in the fall, so I'll have more time to focus on each of my individual courses as well as to travel and interact with people. I look forward to exploring the local area during my free time and learning about the culture and how it differs from that of the United States and Texas. I expect that I'll definitely learn to be more independent, especially considering how dependent I feel right now.

My sister is luckily spending the night with me to give me support before I leave. She studied abroad in Maastricht, The Netherlands just west of Aachen, Germany when she was my age and has a lot of experience traveling. I have travelled in Europe with my family several times, but this will be a whole different ballpark.

However, as trite as it sounds, no verbal advice will prepare me for what's ahead. I've been offered advice from every angle, but I'm eager to finally experience it for myself. I'll be learning by doing and I know that's the best and most lasting way to learn.

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