Saturday, January 11, 2014

Bonn Bound!!!

My name is Chace Butler. I am a senior at Texas A&M University seeking a degree in biomedical engineering. My goal with this degree is to eventually design bionics and prosthetics. Which will encompass biomedical, mechanical, and electrical engineering all into one field. Tomorrow I will be departing with a group from A&M to spend a semester in Bonn, Germany, and by semester, I mean the next four and a half months!

As the excitement boils within my body, the nervousness increases as we'll... it's that nervous-excitement feeling. Almost like at the peak of a roller coaster, just before the cars plummet into a mixture of excitement and fear followed by an instant sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. I am mostly excited about not just visiting a foreign country, but immersing myself into the culture and people. I love nothing more than to observe and learn the hearts of others. To find a kindred spirit who has lived a completely different life then your own. Finding a way to communicate even if the two respective languages are nothing alike, but alas, communication is achieved, and the struggle in finding the commonality is surprisingly the fun part.

I have visited Europe once before - if you could call Great Britton "Europe". I was 9 years old, and I barely remember a thing. I vaguely remember a large open, rolling field of hay bails, and drinking hot tea in a yard of rich green grass. I suspect that my memories of this trip will be much more intricately, and intimately remembered. I have recently decided that a life goal of mine is to become multilingual and that German is my first language of choice. I greatly hope that my skills in the language will develop, and that it will become a well-versed in the art of the German language.  I also hope to take full advantage of my surroundings and see the world around me!  I am ver eager for our visits all around the country of Germany as well as to Vienna. Furthermore, I greatly anticipate visiting other cities and countries during my stay such as Paris, France, the Swiss Alps, Spain, and Italy!  Finally I hope to make friends that will last forever, whether it be with individuals from A&M, or the citizens of Germany!

Finally, I would like to state how excited I am to learn about the inner-workings of the medical field in other countries.  What their policies are, how they see and treat patients, and most of all, the rich history that has influenced medicine all over the world for centuries!  One of the biggest reasons on why I decided to participate in this adventure, is to see OttoBock, which is one of the highest respected and developed companies that deals with bionics and prosthetics. I hope to become well acquainted with the company, and eventually participate in an internship with them! By the end of my journey I hope that my life is changed for the better.  I hope to understand the world and other people and cultures better, and I hope that I leave the people I meet there better off as well. Most of all, I understand that I am visiting Germany as a representative from Texas, the United States, and Texas A&M University, and I am eager to share my life and experiences with others!

That's it for now!  See you on the other side of the pond!

Chace Butler

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