While I was in Germany I felt myself changing. I became more confident, and proud of who I am. I learned what kind of people I want in my life, and who I want to be. I experienced so many new things everyday. I now have a favorite kind of cheese, tea, and pastry. I had gained an independence that I hadn't had before, but I also developed an need for a strong support system as well. My week of solo travel after the program was over really showed me that I capable of taking care of myself, and talking with strangers. I made friends with people even if it was only for a day. I saw so many wonderful places I never thought I would get to see. I even gained new skills, and knowledge that aren't related to school but help make my life interesting. I became comfortable enough to tease an anesthesiologist while shadowing at the hospital. I also began overcoming my fear of heights.

When people ask what I did in Germany besides travel I start telling them about my classes. Honestly, I could just talk about that for just as long as my travels. I have never been as impressed with how much someone cared about my education. I have learned so much important history that I never knew was important. Dr. Wasser really brought to life so many things for us. There will always be Dr. Schnabel, Brother Jeremy, and so many more memories with me. I now have a very deep interest in Physiology, which has led me to sign up for more classes on the subject. The fact that we got to work on our design project is an opportunity I will always treasure. I would have never done anything like that in a million years. I am so incredibly proud of the work that we did, and how each of us grew in some way while working on it. I became comfortable enough to tease an anesthesiologist while shadowing at the hospital. My experience at the hospital was absolutely amazing and made me rethink my wish to become a veterinarian.
I miss Germany so much. I miss stopping at a bakery on my way to class. I miss so many special things about Germany. I also miss seeing the same wonderful people everyday. They always had a way to make me smile everyday, which for me is very special. Since I have been back from Germany I have had a number of really difficult things happen to me. A portion of my support system collapsed and crushed me. I am fighting everyday to climb out from underneath the rubble. What helps is remembering how much for the better I have changed while in Germany, all the wonderful things I saw and did, and all the truly amazing people I came to know. Our Journeys are not over yet, the challenges are merely different.
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