Monday, April 6, 2015

Hoppy Easter

For Easter, I somewhat last-minutely decided to visit my friends that live in Steinfeld whom I visited before the program started with my aunt and uncle. I was slightly nervous to travel there by myself and to be with them without my aunt and uncle since they are the only reason I know them, but I am so incredibly happy that I did! This wonderful, relaxing weekend was exactly what I desired at this point in the semester.

I am very thankful for all the traveling I've done this semester, but I fear that I was approaching a plateau in the continuation of my culturing. The pace of traveling and seeing previously incomprehensible sights increased exponentially this semester, which is awesome, but I fear that part of me hasn't yet caught up with where my physical self has been. I've noticed especially lately that sometimes I will be walking through the streets of a new city (often in a somewhat sleep-deprived fog) and for a split-second be unable to remember the name of the city I am currently inhabiting. When I go back and look through photos I took, I sometimes have trouble believing that I actually corporally explored such perfectly picturesque places. So for this Easter weekend, it was refreshing to go somewhere where the smell immediately brought back a flood of happy, warm nostalgia.

We ate incredible food and drank expensive champagne and homemade schnapps entranced by a crackling fire. I laughed and relaxed and reminisced upon previous times of equivalent coziness.

I am excited to get back to school and prepare for our presentation to Enmodes that is rapidly approaching. I am also becoming increasingly excited to return home to be enveloped by hugs and love and warmth from my family. A very large reason for my decision to come to Germany was to prove to myself that I am capable of being totally independent. Albeit I am far from being financially independent, but emotionally, I have passed the test!

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