Sunday, March 15, 2015

To Home and Back...When it rains it pours and in my life that seems to be a Category 5 Hurricane kind of rain...

I'm so behind on blogging. Things have been a bit hectic and the bad news from home doesn't seem to stop. My cousin passed away last week. She was killed in a car accident due to icy roads. She was a hospice nurse who was out getting medication for one of her patients. Ruthie and I were close. All three of her daughters were at her pinning when she became an RN and she was a lot of my inspiration and was one of the people who pushed me to begin and keep going with my college education. She was also one that was actually pushing me to be here. One of our last conversations she said I was going to come to Germany and when I came home I was going to tell her all about it...

So thankfully Dr. Wasser was okay with, and my Aunt Lorie was able to get me home for the weekend. I flew home on Friday and back on Sunday, arriving back on Monday morning. Friday the roads were pretty bad in Texas.
 But the snow was beautiful to see.
Due to icy roads Ruthie's services were Sunday afternoon so I still didn't get to attend services BUT I did get to spend several hours with her parents and her daughters, which is way more time that I would have got to spend with them at the funeral. It really meant a lot to my family that I took the time to fly home and be there with them.

It was also very healing for me...Not just to see my aunt, uncle and her daughters, but to see my family. Especially since his heart attack my husband has told me he is okay, but he's always been good at saying things just to make me feel better. It really helped to see that he really is okay. So the time at home wasn't enough to get comfortable or to see everyone I would have liked to but it was really what I needed.

The morning of my flight back to Germany my youngest woke up sick, with what appeared to be a stomach bug. I actually found out once I landed in Frankfurt it was his appendix, not just a stomach bug. Sometimes I wonder if maybe we have past lives and I truly wronged someone in a past life as the bad luck doesn't seem to stop lately. Luckily kiddo's surgery was just as routine as any other appendectomy and he's back to his usual bouncy self.

And one more thing...I've recently found out that my father had blood work that indicates a possible issue with his prostate. His doctor said maybe just a minor infection as the numbers were only slightly abnormal. However, the specialist is running more tests. My mother says the doctor has not directly indicated what he is looking for, but part of me things she's just not telling me. Right now I'm hoping that his doctor was right and it is just minor because unfortunately I have just enough stupid knowledge to know what the possibilities could be and I just can't handle that right now...

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