Saturday, March 21, 2015

Insert Clever Title Here

I just posted a little while ago but I figured that the next few weeks are going to be so insane that I'll end up forgetting to post again. We're leaving for Berlin and Dresden on Monday and I'm so excited. I've always wanted to visit Berlin and see the Berlin wall so I'm pumped. I recently found out that the wall fell on my birthday, which is really cool! I also really want to see Sachsenhausen, which might be weird to be excited about but I think it's going to be interesting. Also, my roomies rock and if Vienna and Barcelona were any indicator of what's to come, I think we're going to have a ton of fun! :) It's going to be a really cool excursion and I can't wait to go! After Berlin we're planning on going to Prague for the weekend, which my host mom is excited about. It's her favourite city so she can't want for me to go and tell her how I like it! Then we're going to Paris for Easter - it's going to be an exhausting couple of weeks.

In other news, classes are going great and I'm only worried about physiology now! We're also working really hard on our projects since our first presentation to Enmodes is the Monday we come back from Prague. It's a little nerve wracking that we have to completely revise our projects and make them presentable in a little over a week while we travel but I'm hoping we can do it! I'm getting really excited about our project since Vanessa came up with a really funky idea that's pretty different than what we were doing before. I hope Enmodes likes our projects! :)

Last night, we went to a Beethoven concert, which ended up being so different from what a lot of us expected. I feel like that pretty much sums up our entire trip though! The concert started off with some familiar music and then switched near the end to some of the craziest classical music I've ever heard from Bartok. I actually liked it, and I'm happy I got to experience that!

And lastly, I rode a bike!!! Which may sound stupid but it's been really hard trying to relearn it the past couple of months. Seeing Vanessa and Hazel do it made me try way harder, and I'm so happy I can do it now! The funny thing is that my host dad is way more excited that I learned how to than I am. Which brings me back to the fact that I love my host family! :)

A little reflection on the trip so far:
So lately we've been talking quite a bit about the fact that we're at the halfway point (a little past the frustration stage?) in our trip. It's been two months already and it seems like the next two months are going to go by way faster than I expected. This trip has definitely been infinitely more amazing than I ever expected it to be, and I'm going to be so sad to go home. I'm excited to make the most out of the time I have left :)

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