Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Texas vs Germany

I've always loved Texas, and I honeslty hadn't considered living anywhere but this wonderful state before the spring semester. However, Germany made me realize that I shouldn't limit myself to these borders. College Station has been my home for 21 years, but living in Bonn made me realize that I can live in unfamiliar places that are out of my comfort zone.

When I arrived back in Texas, I was extremely excited to see my family and friends... but I was actually hit by a wall of mixed emotions when I met with them. I learned that nothing really changed at all while I was gone. I was sad because I was expecting more, but happy because I had not missed anything. It's weird how you can leave for four months and expect your little town to change just to find out that the only difference is that there is more construction. Lots of construction. Besides this realization, I did not experience the "culture shock" I was warned about multiple times... Just like I didn't experience it when I moved to Bonn in January. I went right back to my normal life, but I was not the same. I learned things that I will use for the rest of my life.

I was not expecting to feel so at home in Germany, I think about Bonn all the time. I met so many different people while I was traveling, and it really is a shame that I won't be abe to travel again while I'm young. One thing I do regret is not learning German well enough to speak it... I think the program could definitely use a better teacher in the future.

I know I have to visit Europe again, but I also know it won't be any time soon. I have many more years of school ahead. Who knows, maybe I'll even live there for a short period of time. I would definitely go back in a heartbeat!

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