Thursday, July 11, 2013

Back in Tejas

The overall Germany Study Abroad experience was amazing. Not only were the sights and sounds we experienced great, but the friendships and bonds were unimaginable. This trip will probably be the only time in our lives where we had to grow close to people in a country we knew nothing about. Before we left way back in January, I saw the trip just as an excuse to go to Europe. Now, 6 months later, I see that was just the bait but the hook was the unforgettable experiences while we were there. Some of the greatest moments were being lost or not knowing what to do and having to take adventures and risks. This trip changed me by showing me how to think for myself and how to think on my feet. I now realize that I can make decisions in situations where decisions need to be made. As for my thoughts on my profession and the world in general, I now see that it is no longer fine to think about the world as just the tiny bubble we live in in College Station, or Texas, or even America for that matter. We live in a world where everything affects everyone. I now view my decisions and my future goals on how they impact the world and all of its citizens.

Thanks Germany,


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