You would think moving to another country would solve all our problems, but alas that is not the case. The really struggle within this program is dealing with problems that will inevitably arise in your personal or academic life while simultaneously trying to enjoy being in another country. This has been plaguing me for the past few weeks as we get into a sort of rhythm with being here. I want to travel as much as possible because I'm not certain anymore when I can do something like this experience ever again. However, I also want, and desperately need to, hunker down and only focus on school for a while. Finding a balance for my deep desire to explore is a bit of a quandary.
Despite the hardships I will still talk about travel. Last weekend was Karneval in and around Cologne. I have never seen so many teenagers and young people standing on a train platform as I dod ghat Thursday night on my way to Cologne. The streets were packed with people dressed up, though not in the way we Americans are used to for Halloween festivities. Apparently, from my observations, the weekend long party is about free items/food and a lot of alcohol. Not too surprising of a tradition for Germans. I go to Munich this weekend which I am excited for, hopefully I have good tales to tell.
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