Monday, May 4, 2015


Something I recently realized was how powerful indulging in nostalgia is. I generally avoid sappiness and nostalgia because it makes me sad and I don't enjoy feeling sad most of the time. But I'm realizing that as we say goodbye and let ourselves indulge in this feeling of sweet sadness that stems from reminiscing on the fond memories we made, we are culling our memories and reinforcing the positive ones. 

I will remember most what I tell people when they ask "How was Germany?". So I am going to consciously make an effort to let myself indulge a bit in sticky nostalgia because I want to remember the adorable kids that I lived with, my incredibly strong and resilient host Oma, the wonderful food and drink I imbibed, and the fantastic friends I made this semester. 

My host Oma is seriously a badass who has experienced unfathomable difficulty in her life such as multiple sclerosis that has left her in a wheel chair for the last 20 years, losing her first pregnancy at 9 months gestation when she was 21 years old, and eventually raising her son by herself after divorcing the father. I think Uli is the strongest woman I've ever gotten to spend time with and I know that I immeasurably lucky to have had the opportunity to live with her. Her grandkids also happen to be the most adorable and loving children imaginable and I don't know how they grew to love me so much, but my host sister hugged mw so tight while saying Gute Nacht tonight that I know I am blessed. 

I am so thankful for getting to know the other students on this trip and I am continually realizing what awesome people chose to go to Germany this semester. I seriously love everyone in a different capacity and in my whole life, I don't know if I've ever felt this comfortable with a group of people in such a short period of time. 

I am so sad to be leaving but trying to focus on the positive, such as the amount of queso I'll be eating soon!! 

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