Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Host Family Gathering on May Day

Today we have 7 visitors to the family! 2 of them came all the way from Sicily, 3 from Munich, 1 from Cologne, and another one is my host sister's boyfriend (Where is the Maibaum?!). 

My host dad started preparing lunch since 9 in the morning...I had a yogurt for breakfast and smelled the scent of pepper and onion until 2:30 in the afternoon when I could finally put my fork and knife on the steak. 

There were some special ingredients in the food from Italy: A strong spice used in the soup, and some weird-looking leaves from a fresh plant brought by one the guest (Forgive me for not remembering her name, I couldn't even pronounce it), and some smoked pork used in Italy for panini. I remember having a "VIP" panini in a small airport in Venice, it was the best sandwich I've ever had. 

The guests from Italy both spoke wonderful German, and it made me feel so bad for not able to join their conversation after staying in Germany for 4 months....

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