Monday, July 31, 2023

12 Weeks Later...

When I was in Germany, I missed having the commodity of a car, but now, I miss having a (somewhat) reliable source of public transportation.

When I was in Germany, I missed my hometown, but now, I miss the comparatively cold weather that I grew accustomed to in Bonn.

When I was in Germany, I missed seeing my friends and family, but now, I miss the family that we built in classroom A-8.

I can only remember the whole experience fondly, even though not everything was sunshine and rainbows. I was used to grocery shopping by myself, walking way more than I used to, and seeing the same people every day. Alas, that ended, and it was rough to readjust. At first, I felt a bit empty as my days were not the same as they were for the past 4 months. During graduation, I ran into Vic, and for a second, my mind believed that I was in Bonn again. Then, after some time spent with my family, I was able to go integrate the changes I experienced into the person I was before January, and life felt normal again. 

When I started seeing all of my friends after four months, they would ask me how it went, and all I could say was that it was amazing. I wouldn't want to bore them with all the details and long stories, but I would recommend that if they had a chance to do it, they must. Most of the friends that I made in College Station were in the last two years, so part of me felt sad that I would not get to spend as much time before we graduated, but I will never regret studying abroad.

If I could go back and give myself advice, I would tell myself to not take everything so seriously and enjoy every moment.

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