Thursday, July 20, 2023


 After being back in the states, I experiences something called reverse culture shock. I hated the hot summer and how I had to drive everywhere and I couldn't take public transportation and see all my friends everyday. I missed the cool weather and my lack of allergies. But I was grateful to see my family and to have a break from school and stress. 

This summer I haven't done too much. I shadowed a bit, decided not to study for the mcat this summer, and am getting certified as a phlebotomist. If I'm being honest I've mostly read this summer. I also went to Scotland for a family wedding and then to Iceland. If you ever have a chance to go to Iceland, you should do it. Peri and I hang out pretty much everyday. I'm so glad that we met and became such great friends because of this program. We even started a cooking blog together! (We have already made some gluten free schnitzel). It isn't ready to be published yet but will be soon. Be on the lookout for the Gluten Free Foodie(s)!

I don't really know what to write except that I'm thankful for the program and that it will have a place in my heart forever. I feel like my options for life are more broad after this program. I learned to be thankful for things as simple as being able to walk down hills (and to dread aging). I know I can live in different cultures and even make a life among unfamiliar surroundings. I am really glad I did it. Part of me wants to go back and relive it over and over again, but I also know that I'm ready to move on and take on other challenges and experiences. 

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