Friday, August 17, 2018

A Retrospective

I miss eating gelato like every day.

This study abroad was amazing and life changing in so many different ways. I learned about so many different cultures and got to try so many delicious foods. My host family taught me so much about Germany and its culture. During the study abroad, I missed my family but when I came home, I began to miss my host family back in Germany. It’s a weird feeling that I assume most people felt.

I would have never thought that in one semester I would visit: Germany, France, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. I grew as an individual after living and traveling around Europe for 4 months. The experiences I had with working on the biomedical engineering project, visiting museums, and all the school trips were invaluable to me. Dr. Wasser is an amazing professor and mentor. He is always helpful and always there for you. Dr. Wasser talked about a “hero’s journey” that everyone will go through in life. At first I did not understand what he meant but now, after the trip is over, I truly understand what he meant.

After coming back to Texas, I graduated (WHOOP!) then began studying for my DAT (which was super lame and boring) and it really made me appreciate this study abroad even more. I am going to leave to Beijing at the end of August to work there for a year and continue my hero’s journey.

I almost decided to not go on this study abroad because of the steep costs. Thankfully, I was blessed with scholarships and grants that allowed me to pay for this trip. I am glad I decided to take the chance. Otherwise, I would not have made so many new friends and amazing memories.

I totally forgot to hit publish on this. Thanks Whitney for reminding me. Better late than never.

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