Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Looking Back on Germany (Post-Study Abroad Reflection)

Three months after the fact and it's still difficult for me to realize that I spent nearly four months in Germany. Summer has flown by so quickly; I can hardly believe school will begin again in less than one month! I just got back from Italy a few days ago, so that's why I'm late in posting this blog entry. I still find it weird that I've spent more time in Europe than I have in the US this year.

I have to say that last semester was a unique experience. I had the opportunity to live and learn in a country outside of the US and although I didn't learn the language, it didn't make the past semester any less of a success. Even though the field trips went to places I already visited for the most part, it was a different experience to see the sights and museums a second time. You manage to find new things and create fresh experiences out of what may seem redundant or repetitive. I mean, how many people can say they've seen something twice? Living with a host family was one highlight of my semester abroad. I can honestly say that I miss them and I know that I developed a bond with them, as I plan to stay in touch with them. From the delicious home-cooked meals, to sitting in the living room with the company of others, I had an enjoyable experience living with the Gehring family. In my opinion, living with a host family was probably one of the strongest components of this particular study abroad program. Because the students are other fellow Texas A&M students, it can be difficult to experience German culture without other Americans being present. It's not a bad thing; people tend to stick to what is comfortable and known. My impressions of Germany are much like from my last study abroad there. The food is delicious and the people tend to be polite and courteous.

Those months in Germany were some of my favorite, although taking Physiology, Biochemistry II, and Pharmacology abroad was a challenge. Despite the stress of school, I had a great time traveling Europe and getting to know my fellow Aggies. Going on a Spring Break cruise in the Western Mediterranean, taking a train to the top of the Zugspitze, biking around Berlin, seeing the sights of Paris. These are the moments that I will always remember and fondly look back on. As a person, I know this experience has helped me grow as an individual, as respect and open-mindedness are always traits that one can improve upon. I'm hoping that I will be able to keep in touch with everyone from this study abroad, as we are all back in College Station for the upcoming school year. Until then, tschüss!

Austin Wang


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