Hello everyone and welcome to the Biosciences Bonn group weblog. With the spring semester of 2012, we will inaugurate a new study abroad program for Texas A&M University undergraduates majoring in Biomedical Sciences (BIMS), Bioengineering (BMEN), and other life-science majors. You participating students will be posting to this new weblog throughout your time in Europe (as well as pre-program prospective and post-program retrospective posts).
I want you to post comments on your academic and programmatic experiences as well as on your personal experiences living and studying in Bonn. Comments on your free travel experiences are also very welcome as are pictures, videos, and links to websites relevant to your posts. Here's a sample pic of me, "on the couch" at the Sigmund Freud House and Museum in Vienna.
I'm looking forward to our adventure together in Europe and to reading what you all have to say about your experiences!